Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back to School MashUp

After viewing one of our classmate's mashup of her beautiful baby, I was encouraged to create my own. It is posted on my school eboard if you care to visit. Here's the URL:
I hope you like it.


  1. hmm, I wonder if there's a more direct way to get to that site.

  2. I don't really understand your comment? The link worked for me so are you saying that it did not work for you?
    Sorry for the delay in responding - 2 Back to school nights this week - one in Philly and my elderly mom fractured her leg. What a week!

  3. Oh - I think I get it. Did you want me to start a "public" URL for this??? I am not really comfortable with that, but if it is required, I'll do it.
