I did set up a Flickr account and had great fun exploring the site. In fact, this is just what my family needed! Being on the cutting edge of technology (LOL), we purchased and haved used digital cameras as soon as they became available. That is exactly the same time that my photo album ceased to be updated. Unfortunately, now we have a collection of those little "disks" with many, many photos and that's as far as we got! I probably don't have the time to address this issue now, but maybe next summer!
Flickr is great! I only wish I had had time earlier this week to read our homework because I would have liked to do activity B where we take a photo of our school Media Center. Ours is beautiful and the two specialists are good friends of mine who are bright, enthusiastic and so helpful.
Oh, well - first some comments. I noticed that most of the classroom images were from elementary schools. I guess because in secondary settings we move around so it's difficult to decorate every room we enter.
Another issue I wanted to mention is privacy and school policies. I know that Dr. Farmer mentioned we should upload personal photos and this is certainly a policy at our school as well. In fact, I am very fearful on these sites because our school is so strict about with its social networking policies, that I fear if I accidentally do something which violates a policy or is seen and commented on my a student or family, that my job will be in jeopardy. It took me many years to become a teacher, and the last thing I would want to do is create a problem for myself.
I couldn't find the Blogger's image uploading tool. I received a message saying that this information could not be found.
It took me so long to decide on an image for this week! I love holidays, snow, Christmas so I searched through these points. The photo I chose appears at the top.
Thanks again to all who commented.
BTW - I probably look somewhat similar to my avatar! She might even be prettier and more nicely built! Janet
Great photo! I have similar concerns about privacy and getting in trouble over some kind of technology at work. All teachers in my county recently received an e-mail that students are creating/posting false and derogatory information about their teachers on facebook and other networking sites and we are supposed to be on the lookout to protect ourselves and colleagues. Scary!!